
Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is a day, that for most people, is about the food. It is all about the turkey, stuffing, pies and seeing how much one can stuff into themselves. It is also a day for getting together with family. Then there is the part about being thankful as the word thanks is in Thanksgiving. The…

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Your Family, the Church

At the beginning of the school year, my second child started attending the youth group at Harvest. He’s shy and introverted, and he was feeling some apprehension as we were driving to church. It typically takes him a bit of time to warm up to new situations, even when he is familiar with the people….

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Called Camp: So Much More Than a Youth Camp

As human beings, we all crave to have purpose in our life. We desire something to quench our passion. That is the way we were created. We all are, what the Bible refers to as “called” (Romans 8:28). And when we pair our calling with God’s vision, amazing things will be accomplished, like someone getting…

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Discover Your Gifts, and Get in the Game!

Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? Have you ever wondered where you belong? Did you know you were created to serve other people? It goes against what society and culture teach us, but it’s true. I recently sat through a redesigned membership class of sorts at Harvest. The point of the class is…

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Greet One Another With a Holy Bear-Hug

No church is perfect, as we all know, precisely because every church is made up of imperfect people like us. But one thing is for sure, Harvest is among the best. One of the things I believe makes Harvest the best is that the people give out hugs like they’re going out of style. And…

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